Plum Island Geologic Field Trip!
October 14, 2014 by Chris Hein
Boston, MA
Last Friday, I and my students from VIMS (Claudia, Luis, Charlie, and Justin) ran a field trip (co-organized with Byron Stone of the USGS) to the lower Merrimack River Valley and Plum Island. This field trip was attended by ~50 geology students, scientists and professors (mostly from New England, but also from Canada and Brazil) as part of the 106th meeting of the New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference (NEIGC). This is the oldest geological conference in the USA – a real honor to be a part of!
The trip ran from Haverhill, MA, down the lower Merrimack River valley, and onto Plum Island. It included several stops in the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge and at Sandy Point State Park. Participants got to help run ground-penetrating radar and open a sediment core on Plum Island (one of the cores we took back in May).
Northeastern Massachusetts treated us to some perfect October weather as we explored the glacial, post-glacial and coastal deposits that fed the formation of the beaches at the mouth of the Merrimack River. A perfect day for all to dig into the spectacular scenery and geology of Plum Island!
A link to download the field trip guide can be found HERE. It can also viewed online at the VIMS Coastal Geology ISSUU site HERE.