In Remembrance
November 10, 2014 by Chris Hein
Gloucester Point, VA
I learned this morning that a friend of our project, and a great friend of science in general, passed away suddenly last week. Town of Newbury Selectman David Mountain was also a professor of biomedical engineering and otolaryngology at Boston University. A highly respected researcher and teacher, Dr. Mountain was a strong supporter of the need for science-based decision making as related to Plum Island. He was consistently encouraging of our work and always interested in the results of our team’s efforts.
I had known Dr. Mountain’s wife, Barbara Bereman, before I ever set foot on Plum Island as she was an administrator in the Boston University department where I received my PhD. My heart goes out to her and their two daughters.
A complete article in the Newburyport Daily News about Dr. Mountain’s life and his untimely passing can be found here.